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October 14, 2008

Well to start off my blog I'll go right into the most controversial issues first. Politics. Now before I start ranting I suppose I should let everyone know where I stand politically, which would be a libertarian, although I do support the republicans given that the libertarian party doesn't seem to have much of a chance of actually winning anything. However that doesn't mean I have nothing bad to say about John McCain. From what I've seen in the past few months I have to say he is doing a terrible job, he just doesn't seem to be trying to win, he keeps repeating the same old jargon over and over again. It's like he's trying to give away the election to Obama, because certainly I believe if he tried it wouldn't be to hard to defeat Obama. I understand alot of people will probably find that insulting towards Obama, but that's just what I believe and I'll get into why I think he's easy to beat later if I get a chance. I just hope that McCain will be able to salvage the election before it's to late, because I personally believe Obama being elected would definitely be one... [More]

Tags: first post, mccain, obama, politics

Posted at: 08:25 PM | Permalink

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